References & acknowledgements

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Curtain call: I would like to thank numerous colleagues and friends who have made this exhibition possible, in particular Clare George for having the idea in the first place and laying the foundations, Katherine Klinger for being my sounding board and making it read well, Zimu Xia and Ollie Nelmes for technical wizardry, the Committee of the Research Centre for German & Austrian Exile Studies especially Charmian Brinson and the late Richard Dove, for their extensive research which underpins the exhibition, and archivists and librarians at the Fotohof Salzburg, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Münster, the Wiener Holocaust Library London, the Freud Museum London, Akademie der Künste Berlin, Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichischen Widerstandes, and the Walter Jacob Archiv in der Walter A. Berendsohn Forschungsstelle für deutsche Exilliteratur Hamburg for assisting with images, and finally the Martin Miller and Hannah Norbert-Miller Trust for supporting this ongoing work.

Kat Hubschmann

Martin Miller and Hannah Norbert-Miller Project Archivist

References & acknowledgements