References for images
References for images
Reference details for all images can be found by clicking on the image itself. Listed below are only images which are held in other archives. We are grateful to Fotohof Salzburg, Walter Jacob Archiv in der Walter A. Berendsohn Forschungsstelle für deutsche Exilliteratur Hamburg, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Münster, the Wiener Holocaust Library London, the Freud Museum London, Akademie der Künste Berlin, Dokumentationsarchiv des Österreichischen Widerstandes, Bundesarchiv Deutschland, the Tate Archive and Lorna Jewitt for supplying us with images for this exhibition; and the estates of Wolfgang Suschitzky and Anneli Bunyard for giving permission to use images in this exhibition.
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© Fotohof archiv, Salzburg GDE 060638 Photographer Gerti Deutsch This is one of a series of photos by Gerti Deutsch of the fourth production: Der unsterbliche Schweijk, for an article which appeared in The Picture Post 27 April 1940. This image was not published in the article. |
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Curtesy of Deutsches Bundesarchiv Bild 146-1972-028-14/CC-BY-SA Title: Anschluss Österreich retouched Photographer Unknown This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0. Germany license |
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Curtesy of Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Münster S. Hermann-Neisse 2,003_02 Photographer Unknown |
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The Wiener Holocaust Library Collections 1801-003-001-004_0006-WL15100 Page of a passport belonging to Charlotte Pilpel who arrived from Vienna in 1939. From the Erich and Fanny Walter and Pilpel Family Papers, WHL 1801 |
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1800-003-001_003-0001-WL10383 Kindertransport identity card belonging to Herbert Muehlstein. From the Muehlstein Family Collection, WHL 1800 |
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Curtesy of the Tate Archive (c) The estate of Hubert Daniel TGA 20052/2/7/1 Photographer Major H.O. Daniel Photograph of internees in yard at Hutchinson Internment Camp, circa 1940 Image released under Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 DEED |
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(c) Freud Museum London SF-06-01-068_01 Sigmund Freud's membership card of the Austrian Centre. He was the Honorary President until his death in September 1939. |
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© The estate of Wolfgang Suschitzky Curtesy of the Fotohof archiv, Salzburg WSU-Z-13; WSU-Z-14-1; WSU-Z-15-1; WSU-Z-16, WSU-Z-17; WSU-Z-19 Photographer Wolfgang Suschitzky |
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(c) Akademie der Künste, Berlin Signatur Exilsammlung 0003-002 Bestand Exilsammlung Darstellende Kunst |
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This image was taken from the book Berghaus, G. ed.(1989) Theatre and film in exile; Oxford: Berg Publishers. The caption reads: 'At the Laterndl in Eton Avenue, Hampstead (1943)'. There is no reference as to the ownership of the image. If anyone has any more information please get in touch with the Martin Miller and Hannah Norbert-Miller Archivist at Senate House Library. |
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© Fotohof archiv, Salzburg GDE 060637-2 Photographer Gerti Deutsch This is one of a series of photos by Gerti Deutsch of the fourth production: Der unsterbliche Schweijk, for an article which appeared in The Picture Post 27 April 1940. This image was not published in the article. |
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The Wiener Holocaust Library Collections 2134-004-004_0004 Stamp from Bow Street Station on a page in Anna Erber’s Alien Certificate. From the Eric Erber Collection, WHL 2134 |
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(c) Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichischen Widerstandes DOW_16637_6_here is the news_0001 Akt 16637/6 |
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(c) Walter Jacob Archiv in der Walter A. Berendsohn Forschungsstelle für deutsche Exilliteratur Hamburg Erich Freund, from the Erich Freund Papers. |
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The Wiener Holocaust Library Collections 1683-033-011_0001 Laterndl flier 1939, from the Special Collections WHL 1683 |
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The Wiener Holocaust Library Collections Programme for Kleines Welttheater 2: Der Talisman by Nestroy, Laterndl WHL MF Doc 559b, frame 281 |
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c) Walter Jacob Archiv in der Walter A. Berendsohn Forschungsstelle für deutsche Exilliteratur Hamburg Programmes for: Sturm im Wasserglas, Galgentoni, Mandragola, Goldregengässchen, Thunder Rock, Die tote Tante, Rufen Sie Herrn Plim. EF/19, Kasten 1: Theaterprogramme “Das Laterndl. Wiener Kleinkunstbühne in London“, from the Erich Freund Papers |
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Lorna Jewitt: Refuge, 2014, created for a book art competition at the Wiener Holocaust Library © Lorna Jewitt |