List of all shows
Below is the most complete list of shows by the Laterndl, including some performed outside of London. The numbers in the first column refer to the numbers as they were published in the programmes. Not all shows were part of the numbered sequence. The date on the right is the date of the first performance.
If possible, a link to the main page of the programme is provided, giving further details about the productions. At the foot of this page is another display of all pages of the programmes we have been able to source. These may include English summaries of the performances.
1 |
27/06/1939 |
Closed due to outbreak of war. Relocated to 153 Finchley Road |
2 |
Nov 1939 |
Welttheater 1 |
Lechner Edi schaut ins Paradies, Vineta, Der treuste Bürger von Bagdad (Jura Soyfer) |
Jan 1940 |
3 |
03/02/1940 |
Welttheater 2 |
Der Talisman (Johann Nestroy) |
Feb/Mar 1940 |
4 |
Der unsterbliche Schweijk (Jaroslav Hasek) |
23/03/1940 |
5 |
Dreigroschenoper (Bertolt Brecht) |
26/05/1940 |
Closed due to internment. Relocated to 69 Eton Avenue |
6 |
25/09/1941 |
7 |
Hauptmann von Köpenik (Carl Zuckmeyer) |
13/11/1941 |
Der Talisman (Johann Nestroy) |
31/12/1941 |
9 |
Feb 1942 |
Oxford |
Iphigenie of Tauris (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) at Oxford University German Literary Society |
10 & 11/02/1942 |
10 |
Volpone (Ben Johnson, adapted by Stefan Zweig) |
26/03/1942 |
11 |
Wiener Miniaturen (Arthur Schnitzler) |
June 1942 |
Brennende Erde, If, Hoechste Eisenbahn, selected scenes from Schweijk, and Viennese songs, at the ADC Theatre |
July 1942 |
12 |
Spiel im Schloss (Franz Molnar) |
08/08/1942 |
Birmingham |
Spiel im Schloss, plus some sketches |
24 & 25 Aug 1942 |
13 |
08/10/1942 |
14 |
Sturm im Wasserglass (Bruno Frank) |
05/12/1942 |
Die Galgentoni (Egon Erwin Kisch) |
25/12/1942 |
Lachendes Laterndl |
06/02/1943 |
15 |
Thunder Rock (Robert Ardrey) |
11/02/1943 |
Von Babylon bis Kishinev |
06/03/1943 |
Die Sendung Semeals (Arnold Zweig) |
11 or 12 March 1943 |
16 |
Im Goldregengässchen (Laburnum Grove, J.B. Priestley) |
01/04/1943 |
Wien wie es weint und lacht |
08/05/1943 |
17 |
Die tote Tante (Curt Goetz) |
20/05/1943 |
18 |
Mandragola (The Mandrake) Nicolo Macchiavelli, adapted by Rudolf Spitz) |
08/07/1943 |
Die Bekehrung des Ferdisch Pistora (Frantosek Langer) |
26/08/1943 |
20 |
Rufen Sie Herrn Plim! (Kurt Robitschek, Marcellus Schiffer, music Mischa Spoliansky, opera) Häuptling Abendwind (Johann Nestroy, music Jacques Offenbach, opera) |
14/10/1943 |
In memoriam Max Reinhardt |
23/11/1943 |
Das Laterndl einmal anders |
27/10/1943 |
Schule der Steuerzahler (Louis Verneuil) |
16/12/1943 |
Die Vorlesung bei der Hausmeisterin (Alexander Bergen) |
New year’s eve 1943 Feb 1944 |
Professor Poleshajew (Leonid Rachmanov) |
17/02/1944 |
Einakterabend: Der Puppenspieler (Arthur Schnitzler), In Ewigkeit Amen (Anton Wildgans), Die Lügenbrücke (Raoul Auernheimer) |
22/04/1944 |
Professor Bernhardi (Arthur Schnitzler) |
17/06/1944 |
Der Gweissenswurm (Ludwig Anzengruber) |
21/09/1944 |
26 |
Österreichische Rhapsodie (musical revue) |
23/11/1944 |
Doktor Stieglitz (Armin Friedmann) |
24/12/1944 |
Das Konzert (Hermann Bahr) |
03/03/1945 |
Die Bildschnitzer (Karl Schönherr), Der Kammersänger (Frank Wedekind), Der Heiratsantrag (Anton Chekhov) |
28/04/1945 |
30 |
Der Weibsteufel (Karl Schönherr) |
14/06/1945 |
Laterndl Akademie – a medley of songs, monologues and readings |
09/09/1945 |
17/05/1973 |